
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I Made My Home Schooling Choice:)

Thanks to every one who shared how/tips for homeschooling, I am so very grateful:)  With that being said, I made my decision for homeschooling, a couple weeks ago actually, I just finally made time to post about it.  I decided to use BFIAR (Before Five In A Row).  I don't have the BFIAR manual yet due to funds, but I have been learning A LOT about BFIAR from Michelle @ http://delightfullearning.blogspot.com/2010/04/learning-together-with-five-in-row.html.  She has been using it for some time and has all kinds of great ideas.  I basically print out every thing I can find for each book and then add a letter for the week, a song for the week, a bible verse for the week, and a Hebrew letter each week.  I have been able to check out the book for each week at the Library.  So it ends up being basically free, just printer ink and craft supplies is all I have to purchase so far:) 

Grace and Chloe eating there Jesse Bear sandwiches:)

Grace and Chloe love it.  As soon as Grace opens her eyes in the morning she is talking about school:)  And what I love most about BFIAR is that I can use the same curriculum for Grace (age 4), Chloe (age 2 almost 3). and Hannah (age 1)as well once she is a little older.  

As soon as I get around to it I will post some pictures and tell you about what we are up to.  

Thank you to Andi @ Declared Unto Him for telling me about Michelle @ Delightful Learning:)


  1. You are most welcome, I knew she would be the girl to go to... I am happy to hear the littles are enjoying it, such great memories for everyone involved!

  2. Glad to hear about your homeschooling progress.


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